Accessing the Concur Menu
Concur has updated the look and feel of their software. The functionality remains the same, but the menu on the landing page has changed. This quick guide will cover how to access the new menu.
Accessing the Updated Concur Menu
Step 1: Once you have logged in to Concur, you will be taken to your Concur homepage.
If you need assistance logging in to Concur please reference the Logging into Concur quick guide.

Step 2: From the homepage, click on the Home button. A drop-down menu will appear. Here, you can click on Requests, Expenses, Approvals, Reporting or App Center to be taken to those respective pages.
Please Note: Not all Concur users will have access to the Approvals or Reporting pages.
Step 3: To access your employee profile settings or log in as a delegate, you can click on the Profile icon from the Concur homepage. When the drop down appears, you can choose whether you'd like to Act as Another User (delegate), access the Profile Settings or Sign Out of Concur.

Step 4: If you click Act as Another User to delegate into another users' account, you will see an additional menu. Here you can select the radio button for "A Delegate for another user who has granted you this permission" and then enter the name of the person you are delegate for into the search box. Then click Switch.

Need more help?
Contact Concur Support at [email protected] or at 657-278-3600.