Personal Mileage
These instructions cover how to calculate your personal mileage for the following situations:
- If you used your personal vehicle for the trip
- If you were dropped off/picked up at the airport/train station by a family member/other
If travel took place on a scheduled work day and the traveler Departed / Returned Home, mileage may be claimed from the lesser of the two distances; Work Location or Home.
If travel took place on a non-scheduled work day, mileage may be claimed from your Home.
Please refer to the following Quick Guides for more detailed information on adding other expenses:
Click on any of the links below to skip ahead to that section.
Table of Contents:
If you need assistance with logging into Concur, please go to Logging into Concur.
Personal Car Mileage Expense
Step 1: Select the Add Expense button.
Step 2: From there, a window with all your available expenses and the option to create a new expense will appear. Click on the Create New Expense tab.
Then scroll down and select Personal Car Mileage under Mileage.
Calculating Mileage Reminders
When calculating and claiming mileage, consider the following:
Direct Trips
- Direct trips between the employee’s residence and their designated work location are considered commuting miles and are not reimbursable.
Scheduled Work Day
- Claim mileage from the lesser of the two distances: work location or home.
Non-Scheduled Work Day
- Claim mileage from your home.
Private Vehicle
- When the traveler decides to change transportation mode(i.e. drive a private vehicle instead of flying to a travel destination) the traveler will be reimbursed only for the lesser of the transportation expense.
- Either mileage reimbursement or mileage up to the airfare equivalent based on a regular coach fare available for the location of travel, plus transportation costs to and from the terminals.
- Documentation of the cost of a regular coach in effect at the time of travel and transportation costs to and from the terminals are required and must be attached to the Expense Report.
- When a traveler is authorized to drive a private vehicle to and from a common carrier terminal, mileage may be reimbursed as follow:
- One round trip, including parking for the duration of the trip. OR
- Two Round trips, including short-term parking expenses when an employee is driven to a common carrier (Explanation required in the Comment field).
Mileage Calculator
Step 1: A Mileage Calculator window will open.
Below Waypoints, type in your starting location in A.
Step 2: Make sure you know and enter the full address of the location, as the fields will automatically generate a variety of locations.
If you are starting from work, you will be using your building’s address as the CSUF business location.
Step 3: Fill in the location you are heading to in Point B.
Step 4: Once you have the Point A and B locations, select Calculate Route.
You may use the Round Trip option if you are traveling on the same day or are being dropped off at the airport/train station.
Step 5: Your route is now calculated on the map.
You can adjust which route you will be taking under Directions by selecting a Suggested Route.
Click on the Add Mileage to Expense button when you have confirmed the route for your travel.
Calculating Distance Amount
Step 1: Fill in the required fields (as indicated by the red asterisks) and the appropriate fields.
Step 1a: For Type of Work Day, you will have the following options to choose from:
Select the appropriate option.
Step 2: Your number of miles will be calculated in the Distance field.
The reimbursement amount is automatically calculated based on your distance and input into the Amount field.
Step 3: Ensure to add your Request ID for every expense before submitting your Expense Report.
Then click on the Save Expense button.
Reminder: Your Request ID is your TR#.
Mileage Adjustments
Step 1: You may adjust mileage by selecting Adjustment under Other, if needed.
An example includes claiming lesser of airfare and mileage.
Required documentation must be uploaded.
Step 2: From there, you will fill out the required fields and add a comment explaining the reason for the adjustment.
Make sure the Transaction Date matches the date that the car mileage took place on.
Step 3: In the amount box, put a negative sign “-“ in front of the dollar amount and that will deduct the amount from the Expense Report.
Step 4: When you are finished filling out the required fields, click on the Save Expense button.
Mileage Exceptions
Step 1: Your Personal Car Mileage expense has been added to the expense report.
Step 2: Once you’ve added your Mileage expense, you will see alerts displayed above your expenses.
Be sure to read through all the Alerts as they will vary depending on the expense.
Travel Expense Report Checklist
If you would like to use a checklist, click on the Travel Expense Report Checklist.
Need more help?
Contact Concur Support at [email protected] or at 657-278-3600.