Adding Blanket Travel Expenses
These instructions will cover how to add Parking and Mileage expense to your Blanket Travel Expense report.
Click on any of the links below to skip ahead to that section.
Table of Contents:
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Personal Car Mileage Expense
Step 1: If you are claiming mileage, click on the Add Expense button under Report Details.

Step 2: A window will pop-up. Click on the + Create New Expense tab.

Step 3: Click on Personal Car Mileage under the Mileage section.

Step 4: A Mileage Calculator window will display. Enter in your starting location in Point A. Your starting location can be work, home, etc.

Make sure your starting location complies with the Travel Policy. If your home address auto populates be sure to change it appropriately.
Step 5: Fill in the location you are heading to in Point B.

Frequently used locations may populate for you to choose from.
Step 6: Click on the Calculate Route.

Step 7: Click on Make Round Trip, if you are returning to your work location.
If you made multiple trips throughout the month, you can add it to the same Blanket Travel Expense Report.

Refer to Personal Mileage Instructions for more information on how to calculate mileage.
Step 8: When you are done adding your mileage, click on the Add Mileage to Expense button.

Step 9: Under Transaction Date, click on your travel date.

Step 10: Fill out your Departure Time and Return Time.

Make sure to include AM or PM when entering Departure Time and Return Time.
Step 11: Under Type of Work Day, click on the appropriate option.

Step 12: Under Purpose of the Trip, enter in the purpose of your trip if it is different from your report header.

Step 13: Under Comment, you may enter in details of the trip, i.e. purpose of your trip.

If you have an approved paper Blanket Travel Request, enter in the travel document number in the Request ID field. Example: TR178000
Step 15: Under Request dropdown, click on the approved Blanket Travel Request if you have it available in Concur.

Step 16: Once you have filled everything out, click on the Save Expense button.

If there are more Personal Car Mileage expenses for that month, repeat the previous steps. For each day there is a Personal Car Mileage expense, a New Expense must be entered.
Adding Parking Expense
Step 1: If you are claiming parking, click on the Add Expense button.

Step 2: A window will pop-up. Click on the + Create New Expense tab.

Step 3: Under Transportation, select Parking.

Step 4: Under Transaction Date, click on your travel date.

Step 5: Under Business Purpose, enter in the purpose of your trip if it is different from your report header.

Step 6: Under City, type in the destination city and state.

Step 7: Under Payment Type dropdown, select the appropriate payment type.

If parking was charged to your P-Card, pull the transaction over.
Step 8: Under Amount, type in the transaction amount.

If you have an approved paper Blanket Travel Request, enter in the travel document number (TR) number in the Request ID field. Example: TR178000
Step 10: Under Request dropdown, click on the approved Blanket Travel Request if you have it available in Concur.

Step 11: Once you have filled everything out, click on Save.

If there are more parking expenses for that month, repeat the previous steps.
- For each day there is a parking expense, a New Expense must be entered.
- If the parking expense was a multiple day pass, enter it once and provide comments explaining the number of days it was used for.
Blanket Travel Expense Report Checklist
If you would like to use a checklist, click on Blanket Travel Expense Report Checklist.
Need more help?
Contact Concur Support at [email protected] or at 657-278-3600.