Blanket Travel Expense Report Checklist
A monthly Blanket Travel Expense Report will be required if the traveler goes on a business trip in California, within a fiscal year (July 1st – June 30th).
Blanket Travel expenses will only apply to parking and mileage.
- Appropriate options were selected on the following fields:
- Policy— selected State Blanket Travel
- Blanket Travel Month/Year— correct naming convention
- Blanket Travel [Month] [Year]
- Example: Blanket Travel APR 2019
- Month Start Date— selected first day of the month
- Month End Date— selected last day of the month
- Trip Type— selected In-State
- Additional Cities Traveled To
- Report/Trip Purpose— selected Blanket Travel (Mileage and Parking)
- Event Name/Business Purpose
- Mailing Address Current?
- Comment— included comments about no registration fee for workshops/conferences, or paper Blanket TR# (if applicable)
- Division
- Department ID
- Fund
- Travel expense amount was selected appropriately and within the departments budget
Ensure these travel expenses have been added (if applicable to the traveler’s trip) and reviewed:
- Make sure the mileage is within the distance allowed
- Make sure to enter in departure time and return time
Need more help?
Contact Concur Support at or at 657-278-3600.
You are done. Great job!