Meals and Incidentals Per Diem Expense
This expense is one example of other expenses that may be included in a Travel Expense Report. Please refer to the following Quick Guides for more detailed information on adding other expenses:
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Meals and Incidentals Per Diem Expense
You are responsible for adhering to the Meal policy as noted on the Travel website. For more information regarding the meal policy, please review the Travel Operations website at
Step 1: To add your meal and incidental expenses to your travel expense report, click on the Travel Allowance button.

Step 2: A drop-down menu will appear, and you will click on Manage Travel Allowance link.

Step 3: When the Travel Allowance pop-up appears, please click on Create New Itinerary.

Step 4: When the page refreshes, please add your travel details under the New Itinerary Stop area. You will include the city you departed from, the date you departed that city and the time you departed that city. You will also include the city you arrived in, the date you arrived in that city and the time you arrived in that city.

Step 5: Next, click the Save button.

Step 6: The information you saved will be added to your itinerary and the New Itinerary Stop box will update with the information for your return trip.

Step 7: Fill in the details for your return trip and click the Save button.
Please note: If your trip had multiple destinations, you will enter each leg, one at at time, clicking Save after each entry until you have entered in the final leg which would be your return trip.

Step 8: The information you saved will be added to your itinerary. When you are finished entering in the itinerary information, click the Next button.

Step 9: The page will refresh and you will see the Expenses and Adjustments page. Here, you will see each date of your trip and the location you were in based on your itinerary. You can also view the meals rate for the city that you were in each day.

If the day listed was a personal day, you can click on the check box under the Exclude heading that corresponds to the personal day.

Otherwise, you can check the boxes for each day indicating that a meal was provided by the conference. If no meals were provided, please leave the check boxes blank.

Please Note: The Allowance section includes the meals and incidentals rates in addition to the per diem lodging rate for the city that is listed. The CSU does not use the per diem lodging rate, so please disregard this section.

Step 10: Once all of the appropriate boxes are checked, please click the Create Expenses Button.

Step 11: The page will refresh and the meals and incidentals will be added to your expense report. The per diem lodging will also be added to your expense report. Please click the check boxes next to each per diem lodging expense and then click the Delete button.
You will enter lodging through the Lodging Expense. If you need assistance with this, please refer to the How to Add a Lodging Expense quick guide.

Travel Expense Report Checklist
If you would like to use a checklist, click on the Travel Expense Report Checklist.
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