TripIt Mobile App
These instructions will cover how to create your TripIt acount through Concur. Please note, you will need to download the TripIt App on your mobile device after completing these instructions.
Table of Contents
If you need assistance with logging into Concur, please go to Logging into Concur.
Creating a TripIt Account
Step 1: On the Concur Dashboard, click on the App Center tab at the top.
Step 2: The screen will refresh to the App Center in which you will select the orange TripIt box.
Step 3: Once you have been redirected to the TripIt page, select the blue Connect button.
Step 4: Next, you will be prompted to read the Terms & Conditions of TripIt.
Once you have finished reading, check the box confirming you accept the term,s and conditions.
Click I Agree.
Step 5: Now you may begin creating your account. Enter your employee email address that is linked to your Concur account.
Choose a new password.
Select your Country of Residence.
And check the I accept box.
Click Create TripIt Account.
Step 6: TripIT will send you an email in order to verify your account.
Select Verify Email.

Verify Email Address
Step 7: After verifying your email, your account will be created.
Go back to the original webpage to see the following screen regarding alert settings.
Select your preferred travel alert settings and then click Continue.

Step 8: Take a moment to learn about TripIt Pro including travel alerts, point tracker, inner circle and mobile support.
Click Finish when done.

Step 9: Your TripIt account has successfully been created and you will be redirected to the dashboard.
Please make sure to download the TripIt app on your mobile device and use the same log-in.