Blanket Travel Request

These instructions will cover how to create and submit a Blanket Travel Request in Concur. 

Click on any of the links below to skip ahead to that section.

If you need assistance with logging into Concur, please go to Logging into Concur.

Starting a Blanket Travel Request

Step 1: Log into Concur using the CSUF Portal. You will see your Concur dashboard.

Click on Requests.

Select the requests tab

Step 2: Click on Create New Request.

Select Create New Request

Blanket Travel is for travel within California, travel dates within a fiscal year (July to June) and only to be used for the following expenses:

  • Mileage
  • Parking (reasonable charges for parking)

Request Header

Step 1: Change the Policy to State Blanket Travel. 

Select State Blanket Travel under Request Policy

Step 2: Enter in the Blanket Travel Fiscal Year box: Blanket Travel FY Year – Year. 

Example: Blanket Travel FY 2020-2021

Blanket Travel Fiscal Year field

Step 3: Under How will you book your travel, leave it as Outside of Concur.

How will you book your travel field

Step 4: Under Trip Type, leave it as In-State. 

Trip Type: In-State

Step 5: For Fiscal Year Start Date and Fiscal Year End Date select the Fiscal Year Dates.


  • Fiscal Year Start Date: 07/01/2020
  • Fiscal Year End Date: 06/30/2021
Enter Fiscal Year Start Date
Enter Fiscal Year End Date

Report/Trip Purpose

Step 1: Under Report/Trip Purpose, leave it as Blanket Travel (Mileage and Parking). 

Report/Trip Purpose field

Step 2: Under Traveler/User Type, click on Staff or Faculty, as appropriate. 

Traveler/User Type: Staff

Step 3: Under Purpose, enter Blanket Travel and designate the year as example shows in the comments box. 

Enter purpose

Step 4: Under Main Destination City, enter Fullerton, California.

Enter main destination city

This will cover various cities.

Step 5: Under State, leave it as California.

Select State

Step 6: Under Main Destination Country, leave it as the United States.

Select main destination country

Step 7: In the Comments box, enter in Various cities in California.

Enter comment

Step 8: Ensure Division, Department ID, and Fund are listed correctly. 

Select division
Select department ID
Select Fund

Step 9: Then click on Create in the lower right-hand corner. 

Select the Create button

Adding Expenses

For Blanket Travel, you are allowed to input the following expenses to your Blanket Travel Request:

  • Mileage
  • Parking (reasonable charges for parking)

For instructions on how to add these expenses to your Blanket Travel Request, go to Adding Expenses to your Blanket Travel Request.

Submitting Blanket Travel Request

Once you have filled out all required fields and added your expenses, click on Submit Request.

Select the submit request button

When it comes to completing your Blanket Travel Expense Report, please change the dates to the month you are claiming.

Blanket Travel Request Checklist

If you would like to use a checklist, please click on Blanket Travel Request Checklist.

Need more help?

Contact Concur Support at [email protected] or at 657-278-3600.