How to fill out the ETR Request
In this guide, we'll show you how to fill out a request from beginning to end.
Let's get started!
Table of Contents
Requestor Information
Step 1: After logging in, in the Requestor Information tab, fill out the required fields (as marked in red asterisks), then click Save.
You must fill out all required fields in order to move forward.
Transfer Information
Step 2: Next, click on the Transfer Information tab.
From there, there are two methods that you can do to add chartfield information into the ETR request:
Please click on one of the links below.
Step 3a: Use the drop-down fields to enter in the chartfield data.
Step 3b: After chartfield data is entered in the field(s), click on the Add button.
Step 3c: Once you do so, this will add a chartfield row to the table.
The application will stop you from adding a chartfield row if it doesn't follow the ETR rules (e.g. line description isn't added).
Step 3a: Download the ETR Upload Template at "Download Template", located at the top right corner.
Step 3b: Open the Excel template.
Step 3c: Add the chartfield data into the Excel template, then save the file.
Please make sure to enter the data under the header row (Acct., Fund, Dept, etc.)
Step 3d: In the ETR application, select "Choose File", and select the Excel file with the chartfield information.
Please make sure to use the template when uploading a file to properly import data.
Step 3e: After you select the file, click "Upload".
Step 3f: All the chartfield information should import the data you entered in the Excel file, into the table.
The application will stop you from importing if it doesn't follow the ETR rules (e.g. line description isn't added).
Attach Backups
Step 4: After you add your chartfield data, proceed to the Attach Backups tab.
Step 5: Attach at least one document by clicking on "Choose File".
Step 6: After you select a file, click on "Save File". Attachments will be uploaded into a table above.
Step 7: After you complete all the necessary requirements in Requestor Information, Transfer Information, and Attach Backups, click on Submit to submit the request.
Requestor Information: All required fields are filled out
Transfer Information: At least two rows are added, and amount is balanced
Attach Backups: At least one document is attached
That's it!
For additional ETR User guides, please use any of the following links below:
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Accounting Services and Financial Reporting at [email protected].