How to Use the Priority Definitions Document

The following is a guide to using the Administrative Systems Priority Definitions document to determine the priority level of a request.

Table of Contents


Steps to determine the priority level of a request:

  1. Determine the Urgency Category (High, Medium, or Low) 
  2. Determine the Impact Category (High, Medium, or Low) 
  3. Use the Urgency and Impact to Find the Priority Level

Determining Urgency Category

  • Use the Urgency table.
  • Read the descriptions for each theme and determine which category (High, Medium, Low) has more applicable "themes" associated with it.
Screenshot of the Urgency table in the Priority Definitions Document.

Example numbers in the descriptions may not apply to your specific situation. Use your judgement to determine how the theme would apply for you.

Determining Impact Category

  • Use the Impact table.
  • Read the descriptions for each theme and determine which category (High, Medium, Low) has more applicable "themes" associated with it.
Screenshot of the Impact table in the Priority Definitions Document.

Example numbers in the descriptions may not apply to your specific situation. Use your judgement to determine how the theme would apply for you.

Determining Priority Level

Determine the priority level using the chosen urgency and impact categories.

Screenshot of the Priority Matrix in the Priority Definitions Document.