Accessing the Questionnaire

These instructions cover how to access and complete the questionnaire.

Accessing the SAQ

Step 1: Under Active SAQs, click on the name of the SAQ under View Merchant Dashboard column.

View Merchant Dashboard column is highlighted

Step 2: From the Merchant Dashboard, you will see the details of the SAQ, Status of SAQ Responses, Document Locker, and Scan Requests.

Merchant dashboard window

Step 3: Under SAQ Responses, you will see your progress, view a draft of the SAQ, edit the SAQ, or add comments.  

SAQ Responses window

Step 4: Under Document Locker, you will have the ability to upload any documentation. Click on the gray Add Document button at upload documentation.

Document locker window

Step 5: To access the SAQ, click on the gray Edit SAQ button.

Select Edit SAQ

Completing the SAQ

Step 1: To complete the SAQ, you are required to fill out the required information.  

The SAQ Questionnaire will display

Step 2: Depending on your SAQ type, you will have different requirements and parts to complete. You can view the information under the Form Navigation panel.

On the left side of the screen there is a Form Navigation panel

Step 3: As you complete each section, you will need to click on the red Save/Next Page button.

It is recommended to have no questions answered with "Don't Know." This will prevent you from completing the questionnaire.

Click the Save/Next Page button

You do not need to fill out Section 3 and 4. Those will be filled out by the Campus ISA after verification of completion.

This concludes the instructions for accessing the questionnaire through the CampusGuard Portal. You can proceed to any of the guides to learn more about how to access and complete questionnaires.