The Chemical Purchase Request Form
The Chemical Purchase Request Form is used to request Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) approval prior to purchasing chemicals for use on campus. A separate form must be submitted for each end-user.
These instructions will show you how to log in to CiBR-Trac, access the form, and fill it out for submission.
Let's begin!
Purchasers must be authorized to use the Chemical Purchase Request Form. Please contact EHS at [email protected] or 657-278-7233 to be added as an authorized chemical purchaser. If you already are an authorized chemical purchaser, please proceed with the instructions below.
Table of Contents
Logging into CiBR-Trac
Step 1: Begin by logging into CiBR-Trac by using your campus credentials.
Note: You will be redirected to the campus login page.

Opening the Chemical Purchase Request Form
Step 2: Once logged in, click on the Add Chemical Purchase Request button.
Step 3: From there, the form will open in a new window. It will be your task to complete the chemical purchase request form.
Note: If the window does not appear, check your pop-up blockers.

In the next section, we will cover filling out the form from beginning to end.
Filling out the Form
All fields marked with a red asterisk are required.
Step 4: The Date, Requestor Name, Department, and Email Address should automatically fill in based on your account. Confirm that they are correct.
The Requestor, in this case, is the person completing this form.

Step 5: Next, input your Phone number.

Step 6: Then, select the End User Name from the drop-down list.
The End User is the person who will use the chemical, for example, the Principle Investigator, technician, staff member, etc.

Step 7a: From there, select the End User Building and End User Room by clicking on the Lookup button.
The End User Building/Room is the location where the chemical will be stored or used.

Step 7b: After clicking on Lookup, select from the list of campus building names and room numbers by clicking on the arrow icon in the select column.

Step 8: The appropriate Reason for Purchase should also be selected from the drop-down.

Step 9: For Material Storage Location, specify any specialty equipment that will be used, such as a fume hood, corrosive cabinet, etc. by inputting it in the space provided.
Material Storage Location is where the chemical will be stored.

In the next section, we'll talk about how you'll go about adding the chemical(s) to the form that you are requesting.
Step 10: For each chemical requested, you will need to enter the Chemical name, CAS number, Physical State, Purity (Grade), Vendor, Number of containers, Weight/Volume, and Units.

For more detailed information on how to input each field, click on the blue links below.
Use the search feature to look up the chemical name.
If unable to find the chemical name, select Not In List and enter the chemical name in the comment box below.

Once you find the chemical you are looking for, click on the arrow button within the select field.

Click on the Physical State drop-down to select either solid, liquid, or gas.

Input the Purity (Grade) of the chemical you are requesting.

Input the name of the vendor the chemical will be purchased from.

Type the number of containers, or use the arrows to select the appropriate number.

Type the number, or use the arrows to select the appropriate number.

Select the appropriate unit for weight/volume (liters, gallons, etc.).

Wrapping it all up
Step 11: Add any necessary additional information in the text box below, if applicable.

Step 12: After all fields have been completed, click the Submit Request button.

That's it!
The request will be submitted to Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) for review. You will be contacted when the request is reviewed.
Re-ordering previous requests
Step 13 (optional): If you will like to reorder a previous request that has the same chemicals that you will need, you can use the reorder button found within each request line item, as shown below:
Step 14 (optional): When you click on the Reorder button, your request will automatically be filled based on the original request, and you can proceed to review and submit the request once more.
Additional information
Routine cleaning and maintenance hazardous materials previously reviewed and approved for purchase by EHS may have 'pre-approved' status in CiBR-Trac. Requests for purchase of these routine cleaning and maintenance supplies will be automatically approved by CiBR-Trac after the request is submitted.
Some examples of pre-approved chemicals are:
- Waxie 210 Solsta Neutral Cleaner
- Waxie Graffiti Remover
- Waxie 764 Lemon Quat Disinfectant Cleaner
New routine cleaning and maintenance hazardous materials not previously approved by EHS must be reviewed prior to purchase by submittal of a Chemical Purchase Request form. Please advise EHS if new materials are candidates for 'pre-approval.'
Have any questions?
Please contact Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) at [email protected] or at 657-278-7233